
  北京丽泽国际学校一直致力于给学生对接优秀高校资源,本着这一原则, 11 月 24 日, 学校荣幸邀请到了美国巴德学院(Bard College)和丹尼森大学(Denison University)的招生官给学校学生进行线上宣讲。坐落在纽约州的巴德学院成立于 1860 年,距纽约市仅一个半小时车程,是一所顶尖的文理学院,拥有高达 1:9 的师生比和典型的小班教学。在福布斯 2022 文理学院学术影响力排名中位列 15。

  俄亥俄州的丹尼森大学创建于 1831 年,是美国极富盛名的文理学院之一。2019年《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S. News)“最具创新学校”排名16,“最佳本科教育”排名22。两所都是学生们梦寐以求的优秀学府。来自丹尼森大学的高老师从多元文化和独立自主的角度,讲解了当今留学的意义:留学的目的不仅仅是为了拓展视野和丰富知识,还有培养自己克服困难、适应环境的意志力。



  Lize International Academy has always been committed to introducing excellent universities to students. , we were honored to invite the admissions officers of Bard College and Denison University to give online presentations to our students on November 24, 2022.

  Founded in 1860, Bard College, located in New York State, is only an hour and a half drive from New York City. It is a top liberal arts and science college, with a teacher student ratio of up to 1:9 and typical small class teaching. Ranked 15 in Forbes 2022 Academic Impact Ranking of the College of Arts and Sciences.

  Dennison University in Ohio, founded in 1831, is one of the most prestigious liberal arts colleges in the United States. In 2019, "The Most Innovative School" and "The Best Undergraduate Education" of U.S. News ranked 16 and 22 respectively. Both are excellent universities that students dream of.

  From the perspective of multiculturalism and independence, Ms. Gao from Denison University explained the significance of studying abroad today: the purpose of studying abroad is not only to expand vision and enrich knowledge, but also to cultivate the grit to overcome difficulties and adapt to the environment.

  Ms. Liu from the Bard College also mentioned that the College of Arts and Sciences also takes liberal education as its purpose, and is committed to cultivating students' comprehensive development in science, art and other aspects. Then the two teachers continued to introduce the characteristics of the two universities, and the students listened very carefully.

  After that, the students felt that they had gained a lot. Du, a senior high school student in the Harvard class, said that this activity made him clear the significance of studying abroad, knew the connotation of liberal education, and reminded him that this echoed the "six arts" emphasized in the pre-Qin period, and emphasized the comprehensive development of people. This activity also made the image of American universities clearer in his mind, and provided him with more choices in choosing schools. I sincerely thank the two admissions officers for their patient explanations, to find our place in the global world!

撰稿丨 马心驰
摄影丨 马心驰
审核丨 许益杨